
2025 оны 02 сарын 07
Invitation for Bids 1 сарын өмнө


7 February 2025

Grant/Loan No.

and Title:

0672/3844/3843 MON:  Improving Access to Health Services for Disadvantaged Groups Investment Program - Tranche 1

Contract No. and Title:

G24: Medical Equipment for Uvs Aimag General Hospital

Lot 1:  Diagnostic Imaging Equipment

Lot 2:  Endoscopy Equipment

Lot 3:  Surgical Emergency Intensive Care and Other Equipment

Deadline for Submission of Bids:

21 March 2025 at 10:00 AM (Ulaanbaatar Time)














  1. The Government of Mongolia has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of Improving Access to Health Services for Disadvantaged Groups Investment Program - Tranche 1, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments under the contract named above. Bidding is open to Bidders from eligible source countries of ADB.
  1. The Ministry of Health (formerly Ministry of Health and Sports) (“the Purchaser”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of G24: Medical Equipment for Uvs Aimag General Hospital (“the Goods”).
  1. Open competitive bidding – International advertisement will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single-Stage: One-Envelope Bidding Procedure and is open to all bidders from eligible countries as described in the Bidding Document.
  1. Only eligible Bidders with the following key qualifications defined in the Bidding Document may participate in this bidding:
  1.       Financial Position:

Soundness of the Bidder’s financial position showing long-term profitability demonstrated through audited annual financial statements (balance sheet, income statement) for the last three years (2022, 2023, 2024).

b) Average Annual Turnover:

Minimum average annual turnover of:

  1. Lot 1: 2,800,000 USD;
  2. Lot 2: 1,500,000 USD; and  
  3. Lot 3: 3,300,000 USD calculated as total payments received by the Bidder for contracts completed or under execution over the last three (3) years (2022, 2023, 2024).

c) Contractual Experience:

Number of contracts 3 (three) of each lot successfully completed as main Supplier within the last three (3) years (2022, 2023, 2024). Average value of contracts shall be at least:

  1. Lot 1: 1,120,000 USD;
  2. Lot 2: 600,000 USD; and
  3. Lot 3: 1,320,000 USD.

Nature and complexity of these contracts should be comparable to the subject contracts such as:

  1. Lot 1: Diagnostic Imaging Equipment (not included endoscopic equipment);
  2. Lot 2: Diagnostic Endoscopy Equipment (flexible endoscopy); and
  3. Lot 3: ICU, Emergency and Surgical Equipment.

d) Technical Experience:

The Bidder shall demonstrate that the goods offered have:

  1. been sold a minimum of 3 units of similar type and specification over the last three

(3) years (2022, 2023, 2024); and

2. been in operation for a minimum of three (3) years (2022, 2023, 2024).

e) Cash-flow Capacity:

The Bidder shall submit evidence of its availability of or access to liquid assets, lines of credit, and other finances sufficient to meet any possible cash flow requirement which may arise during the execution of the contract. The minimum amount of this availability of financial resources must be:

  1. Lot 1: 240,000 USD;
  2. Lot 2: 125,000 USD; and
  3. Lot 3: 275,000 USD.

f) Litigation History:

All pending claims, arbitration, or other litigation shall represent in total not more than fifty (50) percent of the Bidder’s net worth.

g) Personnel Requirements:

The bidder shall employ at least five (5) or more Biomedical Engineers with at least five (5) years’ working experience in medical equipment field. These Engineers personnel shall have at least bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering and Electronics Engineering or higher. It is necessary to submit an Engineer's notarized copy of the educational diploma must be submitted with an official translation. The Biomedical Engineers must be trained in manufacturer’s installation, maintenance and service. Specially for Lots 1 and 2 at least two (2) Engineers must be system administrator certificated engineer. Notarized original copy of all training certificates and confirmation letter of training center must be submitted.

  1. To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents, bidders should contact:




Ministry of Health



Mrs. Yumchmaa.A, Project Procurement Officer

Street Address


Olympic Street 2, Extension of Government Building VIII, Ministry of Health

Floor/Room No.


Floor 3, Room No. 304




ZIP Code






Telephone No.


+976 11 329369

E-mail Address



6.         To purchase the Bidding Documents in English, eligible bidders should

  • Write to the address above requesting the Bidding Documents for G24: Medical Equipment for Uvs Aimag General Hospital
  • Pay a nonrefundable fee of MNT 350,000 or USD 100 by direct deposit to the Bank account stated below:

For foreign transfers:

For domestic transfers:

Payee’s Name          


Improving Access to Health Services for Disadvantaged Groups Investment Program

Payee’s Name          


Improving Access to Health Services for Disadvantaged Groups Investment Program

Payee’s Address       


Government Building-8, Olympic Street-2, Ulaanbaatar-48, Mongolia-210648

Payee’s Address       


Government Building-8, Olympic Street-2, Ulaanbaatar-48, Mongolia-210648

Bank Name 


State Bank of Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Bank Name 


State Treasury

Payee’s Account No.


106000076051 (USD)

Payee’s Account No.


100900011878 (MNT)







Correspondent Bank




Bank Name 


Kookmin Bank










Account No.






  • The document will be sent by e-mail (electronically). No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery.

7.         Deliver your bid to the following address:  



Ministry of Health



Mrs. Yumchmaa.A, Project Procurement Officer

Street address


Olympic Street 2, Extension of Government Building VIII, Ministry of Health

Floor/Room No.


Floor 2, Room No. 203




ZIP code






  • on or before the deadline: 21 March 2025 at 10:00 AM (Ulaanbaatar time) and
  • together with a Bid Security as described in the Bidding Document.
  • Bids will be opened promptly after the deadline for bid submission in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.

8.         When comparing Bids, Domestic Preference will be applied as stipulated in the Bidding Document.

Jane Johnson Co-founder
First, a disclaimer – the entire process of writing a blog post often takes more than a couple of hours, even if you can type eighty words per minute and your writing skills are sharp writing a blog post often takes more than a couple.
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Хаяг: Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот-210349, Баянзүрх дүүрэг, Энхтайвны өргөн чөлөө, Засгийн газрын IX байр, Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны газар
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