Contract: Full-time for 1 year with possible extension based on performance.
Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
The Objective of the Assignment
The objective of a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist is to ensure implementation of the project Design Monitoring Framework (DMF) and updating of the Project Performance Monitoring System (PPMS). Core roles include maintaining regular monitoring of the project progress and collecting relevant evidence for preparation of the project progress and completion reports. The specialist will take overall responsibility to monitor and assess milestones of the project and prepare the project quarterly, annual and completion reports along with PIU.
Detailed Task and/or Expected outputs
Specific tasks include, but may not be limited to:
(i) Monitor the implementation of the DMF and Gender Action Plan, and update the PPMS; and assist PIU in maintaining the data collection system related to consulting services and civil works.
(ii) Monitor and coordinate with key stakeholders the timely and quality implementation of the project;
(iii) Monitor, update and ensure compliance with the PPMS based on the project DMF and Gender Action Plan;
(iv) Prepare an annual M&E plan of the project and ensure its timely implementation;
(v) Verify data quality and accuracy and undertake corrective measures as necessary;
(vi) Provide technical inputs and support to key stakeholders including the project steering committee;
(vii) Preparation of the project quarterly and annual reports in timely and quality manners; and monitor and report the EA’s compliance with the Loan/Grant Agreement through quarterly and annual progress reports;
(viii) Support the PIU to review the quality of deliverables by all consultants;
(ix) Monitor the utilization of the grant funds for intended purposes;
(x) Identify bottlenecks and problems affecting smooth implementation of the project and propose remedial measures to PIU, EA and ADB;
(xi) Prepare the project quarterly and annual progress reports with PIU’s inputs; and
(xii) Upon completion of the project, prepare the Project Completion Report along with the PIU following ADB’s requirements.
(xiii) Support the PIU in proper planning and timely implementation of the project, including contract management, and identification and mitigation of potential risks;
Minimum Qualification Requirement
The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist shall have (i) at least Masters’ degree in business administration, computer sciences, social sciences, economics or other relevant disciplines; (ii) minimum of 8 years in the field of administration and management, and monitoring and evaluation of the organization; (iii) excellent English and Mongolian oral and written skills; and (iv) good team player and excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
Deadline: All documents should be submitted both through the e-mail below and in person to the following contact address before 5:00 PM on 22 January 2025.
i Curriculum vitae in English and Mongolian, with recent photo taken within the last 6 months,
ii Copies of diplomas and relevant certificates with English translation,
iii Copy of national citizenship ID,
iv Copies of the Labor and Social Insurance books (first page and subsequent pages indicating the employment mobility),
v Reference or recommendation letters from current and/or previous employer,
vi Cover letter in English.
The submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Incomplete applications would not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Contact address:
Chingeltei District, J.Sambuu Street
MN tower, 10th floor # 1005
Ulaanbaatar 15141, Mongolia.
Tel: +976-77660116, +976-91917179
E-mail: procurement@asdip.mn